Thursday, December 19, 2019

How Workplace Is Necessary And Part Of Doing Business

Workplace diversity is a popular topic in today’s workforce. Many companies today accept that diversifying the workplace is necessary and part of doing business in today’s global economy. Though more and more companies are embracing diversity for because they have to or believe that they should, Pitney Bowes has been doing so for decades. Though there were many forces for and against diversity in the early years, the diversification initiatives implemented and continued by Pitney Bowes has given them an advantage in employees, clients and global participation. The social landscape regarding diversity has changed over the decades Pitney Bowes has been in business. Their diversity and inclusion efforts have been in place before the civil rights movement and long before affirmative action became a ubiquitous term (article). Any person or company acting outside the norms of the day will have forces for and against their strategies. Many of the forces against Pitney Bowes we re addressed in the early days of their diversity integrations. One of the biggest challenges working against Pitney Bowes in their diversification efforts was noted early on in their history. In 1942, CEO Walter Wheeler admitted that there were certainly instances where human nature and prejudices were likely to have prevented an eligible applicant from obtaining employment with Pitney Bowes (cite article). In spite of, or rather because of this fact, Wheeler put the onus on the Personnel Department toShow MoreRelatedWorking Group And Employees Training1299 Words   |  6 Pagesrelated to business. making into company training that makes gets greater, stronger, more complete employees in the direction of in the long run living goals can also get business started greater complex business pleasure. A more pleased worker is likely to not go longer and be more tendency to produce while on limited stretch of time. 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